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Ed.D. in K12 Leadership and Policy

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Course Work Requirements

The K-12 Ed.D. Program includes four major dimensions: a) research & inquiry course work, b) the ELP core required course work, c) academic specializations course work, and d) field-based capstone project. Throughout the program students will progress through a series of courses aimed at developing knowledge and skills needed to analyze and solve problems encountered by educational administrators and to prepare them to conduct a capstone field-based project.

Research and Inquiry – to be taken during the first two years of study

ELP 6960 (3)  Introduction to Inquiry

ELP 7040 (3)  Quantitative Research Methods

ELP 7060 (3)  Qualitative Research Methods.

ELP Academic Core – to be taken during the first two years of study

ELP 7440 (3)  Education Policy

ELP 7220 (3)  Leadership Theory

ELP 7240 (3)  Organizational Theory

ELP 7480 (3)  Leadership and Social Justice Theory

Academic Specializations – to be taken during the second/third year   of study. These courses may include topics such as: leadership for school improvement, critical data analysis for school change, critical leadership for instructional change, action research, immigrant students and leading schools and communities.

Field-based Capstone – Students will develop and perform research projects in an area of educational leadership or policy guided by a committee and members of the faculty.

Last Updated: 10/9/20