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Ed.D. in K12 Leadership and Policy Program Admissions

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Application Deadline for Fall Semester

March 1


Application Process 

Prospective graduate students apply for admission through the University of Utah Apply Yourself (AY) online application system. 

Minimum Requirements for Application 

A completed master's degree with a GPA of at least 3.00. 

Application Fee 

For domestic applicants the application fee is $55, for international applicants, the fee is $65.  You can pay your fee online through the AY system. 

PLEASE NOTE:  We DO NOT require the GRE test.


IMPORTANT:  Under the Program Information section on the AY application, first choose your program of interest, which is Educational Ldrship & Policy EDD.

You will need to upload the following:

Resume that includes academic and professional information and demonstrates career development (i.e, leadership roles, professional activities, and volunteer involvement).

Statement of Purpose

The Ed.D. program is designed to provide a strong academic and theoretical foundation combined with application to practice. Students are encouraged to identify their own interests and expertise to build a program and research agenda, which will directly impact the development of leadership capacity in their specific area of interest.  The Educational Leadership and Policy department is committed to the development of leadership in social justice with an emphasis on the importance of access and equity for all student populations. This commitment guides the foundation of our work and is reflected throughout our research and program of study.

Please describe the following in your statement of purpose:

    • the reason for seeking this degree and your career aspirations upon completing an Ed.D.;
    • how you see the ELP Ed.D. program fitting into your academic and professional trajectory;
    • a concise statement of your research interests and your personal motivation in educational leadership;
    • how you envision your fit within the faculty and the department.

Please limit your statement to 500 words or less.

Written Essay – respond to one of the three areas below. 
Please limit your response to 1000 words.

The Department of Educational Leadership and Policy's Ed.D. program is designed to support the development of educational leaders with a commitment to social justice and equity. Share your understanding of the concept of leadership for social justice and equity.  Describe how you have demonstrated leadership and a commitment to social justice and equity in your professional life and how you plan to do so in the future.

Discuss a relevant issue in educational reform and leadership you have dealt with professionally.  As you faced this issue, what options did you have? How did you resolve this issue and what did you learn from the experience? How did this experience help shape you as a leader in educational reform?

Describe a significant professional accomplishment that required hard work and perseverance.  Define what made this a source of accomplishment as well as describe what challenges you had to overcome to achieve your goal(s). What values and concerns represented in this accomplishment motivate you to pursue advanced study in educational leadership?

Letters of Recommendation - Three recommendations are required as part of the ELP application process.  Recommendations should be written by individuals who can speak to your leadership and academic ability and potential.  We recommend that these letters be written by a current supervisor, current employee or colleague, and/or by a district level administrator. This can be done through the AY application website.

Interview – selected qualified applicants will be invited to interview with faculty members of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy as part of the final admission process.

Applicants are responsible to ensure that all application materials are provided on or prior to the application deadline of March 1.  Applications that are incomplete at the application deadline will not be considered.

If you have questions or concerns at any time please contact our Academic Coordinator, Marilynn Howard, at 801-581-6714 or



Last Updated: 10/9/20