Master's Degree with an Emphasis in Student Affairs

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Welcome to the 2020 M.Ed. Student Affairs Cohort!!

2020 Cohort

Introduction to the Department

The mission of the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy (ELP), a division of the College of Education, is to prepare ethical researchers, leaders and policy makers in PK-12 through higher education who are informed by comprehensive and empirically-based theory and research, as well as committed to leading educational organizations that enact principles of justice, equity, and excellence for all learners.

As a result of the department’s strong national reputation and faculty members’ leadership in national organizations such as the University Council for Educational Administration, American Educational Research Association, National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, and the Association for the Study of Higher Education, students are kept abreast of the latest theory, research, and programmatic advancements within the field.

The department provides research and training opportunities through liaisons with local and state education agencies and associations, including the State Board of Regents, and the public and private higher education institutions in the state of Utah. It also developed and continues to support the Utah Education Policy Center which is part of the College of Education.

Introduction to the Program Faculty and Students

Participating faculty in this higher education M.Ed. program include a combination of regular tenured/tenure-track ELP faculty, career line faculty, and adjunct faculty. Specifically, Career Line Professor Ali Watts serves as the program's advisor and supervisor of internship experiences. Tenure-track faculty include Associate Professors Erin Castro, Jason Taylor, Chris Linder and Assistant Professors Paul Rubin and Jarrel Johnson. In addition, ELP adjunct faculty include leading scholar-practitioners in a variety of fields.

Students in the program come from numerous locations including Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Oregon, Montana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Utah, and Wisconsin

Contact Information

Ali Watts Marilynn Howard
Assistant Professor, Program Advisor   Academic Coordinator
(801) 581-4817  (801) 581-6714


We are located in room 2220 of the Beverley Taylor Sorenson Arts and Education Complex on the University of Utah campus. Our mailing address is 1721 Campus Center Dr., Rm. 2220, Salt Lake City, UT 84112-8914. Our phone number is (801) 581-6714, Fax is (801) 585-6756.

Related Information

University Visiting Program - Diversity Office, Graduate School -

Information for Non-Matriculated Students -

Scholarship/Financial Aid Information -

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Last Updated: 9/2/22