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Prospective students seeking K12 Administrative Licensure who already have an earned a master's degree have an option to apply for an Ed.D with Administrative Licensure. The focus of the Ed.D program remains research based and allows for K12 Specialization courses that support K12 Administrative Licensure requirements.

Contact:  Dr. Madeline Hafner, K12 EdD Program Director,, 801-587-1742

The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Program is designed to provide advanced leadership preparation to individuals with masters’ level completion and extensive experience working as educators in K12 public schools, charter schools, or other educational    organizations.  Students will complete a series of coursework and practicums culminating in a field based capstone project.

SAMPLE Schedule for EdD w/Administrative Licensure

Summer Fall Spring
Leadership for School Improvement Introduction to Inquiry Qualitative Methods
Leadership for Equity and Social Change Leadership Theory Educational Policy
Summer Fall Spring
Ethics, Law and Policy Quantitative Methods

Organizational Theory

Leveraging Educational Resources Evidence Informed Leadership for Learning Leadership for Teaching and Learning
Practicum   Practicum
Summer Fall Spring
Capstone Seminar Student Learning and Support Systems Professional Learning
  Capstone Capstone

K12 Administrative Practicum:  students will complete course based practicum assignments and a series of practicum experiences that support building knowledge for professional practice and skill sets as required by the UU/USBE.


Last Updated: 4/18/23