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Towards a Tenure-Attaining Culture

Faculty Socialization for Minoritized Faculty of Color who Identify as First-Generation

Dr. Maria Ledesma

When: Wednesday, February 5, 2020 — 12:00 to 1:00 pm
Where: Collegiate Room- Union (refreshments will be provided)

Dr. Maria LedesmaGenerational status within the professoriate remains largely under-addressed and under-theorized in higher education. This work suggests that many of the socialization practices created for and directed towards first-generation students continue to have relevancy for faculty who identify as first-generation. First-generation faculty encounter similar structural and systemic challenges in pursuit of post-secondary success. Focus group data affirms the need to cultivate more fair and equitable socialization processes for historically under-represented academicians who identify as first-generation. Building upon the concept of a college-going culture, and drawing on focus-group data, I offer a tenure attaining culture as a socialization model aimed at supporting and retention and success of historically under-represented first-generation faculty and graduate students of color aspiring towards the professoriate.


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Direct questions about this event to Marilynn Howard ( or 801-581-6714

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Last Updated: 10/9/20